~July 13, 2005

Day of the Name

Sort of a Romero vector on the title. Naaaaaaamesss...

Choate. I like this, as some sort of backformation from "inchoate." I don't know what the back formation should be, though:

(1) "choate" to "inchoate" as "flammable" is to "inflammable"? So something that is choate is, like it's inchoate counterpart, newly begun or imperfectly formed, but not so aggressively? A laid-back Genesis, perhaps? "In the beginning, y'know, it was pretty dark, man. And stuff."

(2) "choate" to "inchoate" as "famous" is to "infamous"? Where would that get you, anyway? "Yeah, our revised quality assurance process is choate. Just like the last one was this time of year, but without the murders, eh?"

(3) "choate" to "inchoate" as "visible" is to "invisible"? That's right: IT'S JUST PLAIN NOT INCHOATE. Or maybe it's just a negation of a portion of inchoate's meaning? Well:

(4) "choate" to "inchoate" as "indecipherable" is to "decipherable"? Define choate as begun but not newly? Or formed but not imperfectly? Or even new, but not begun; or imperfect, but not formed; or, well, I'm going to stop there because I've already stretched a thin premise past the point to which I can competently defend it.

In summary, Choate is a totally awesome name.

Honorable mentions: Boyna, Starlon, Gipple, and, winning todays Most Depressing Name For An Administrative Spinster, Singletary.


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