~November 17, 2004

The Many Faces Of Josh Millard

There's something both gratifying and worrisome about maintaining a high Google profile without actually doing any work. I've managed to hold onto the top result for "josh millard" for a pretty good stretch of years now, with a couple exceptions, mostly by bothering to, y'know, have a website.

For a while, after Google tweaked their PageRank algorithms months back, the top hit was an old Word document that my Worcester open-mic folk mentor Patty Keough had posted to the website. It had a picture of me and a caption with my name; not prime real estate, but at least it was me.

Worse: for a couple of weeks some suicidal crew jock was camping the top spot. Memory fades, though; as of now he's creeping down the list of hits, clocking fourth place after my fugly main website, the music section of same, and some anemic audioscrobbler stats on a few songs I uploaded last year to the abortive Metafilter Music project.

I'm competing for space with what I like to think of as the Foo Joshes, including:
Make a body feel lucky just to be part of such a crowd. So long as they keep their goddam mits off my search results, anyway. Looking at you, here, Lock Haven.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You r a douche bagger

8:06 PM  

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